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Varnishes, Stains & Oils

191 products found

Wood treatment link varnishes, wax or oil are a great way to ensure your floors, worktops, doors, windows and furniture stay protected and beautiful. Browse our range online or in-store to find the best wood treatment for your home or upcycling project.
Do you need outdoor wood treatment for your garden fence or back deck? We offer numerous woodcare products for your home's exterior, including waterproof wood treatment. Take care of your home and it will take care of you for years to come. Here at Homebase, we stock a great range of woodcare products, including wood stain, varnish and preservers, fence paint and decking paint.
191 products found
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Cuprinol Garden Shades Beach Blue Wood Paint 1L
5 out of 5 stars (37)
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151 Gloss Finish Yacht Varnish
5 out of 5 stars (1)

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